Total abdominal hysterectomy and removal of both tubes and both ovaries is the treatment of choice when fertility is no longer an issue or when progestational hormone therapy is inadvisable. For those women who desire more children or preservation of the uterus , a D&C, therapy with oral progestational agents, induction of ovulation and avoidance of postmenopausal estrogen therapy without progesterone is frequently effective. Careful follow-up with an endometrial biopsy or a D&C is necessary.
Stage Ia
The tumor is limited to the endometrium.
Standard Treatment Regardless of the grade, standard therapy is removal of the uterus and both tubes and ovaries. Postoperative radiation therapy is not usually required.
Five-Year Survival 90 to 95 percent
• The most significant study in progress is whether postoperative pelvic radiation therapy improves survival.